What is a SEER Rating?
Shopping for a new HVAC unit can be overwhelming—especially if you do not know understand the lingo. What does energy efficient mean? What is a SEER rating?
SEER stands for Seasonal Energy Efficiency Ratio. It is a metric used to measure how much energy is needed to provide a specific cooling output. The higher the SEER rating, the more efficient the air conditioner is. Higher-SEER models ae more expensive up front, but end up saving you money month to month vs. less efficient models.
The Department of Energy recommends a minimum SEER rating of 13. Depending on where you live, you might need a system with a higher rating. In Florida, a 14 SEER unit is recommended.
If you have additional questions about purchasing a new HVAC unit and SEER ratings, please contact our team of experts at 850.267.3538.