Leaving for Vacation? Prepare your HVAC.
Bags are packed, boarding pass printed and you are ready to go. Before you head out the door, there are a few things you should do to prepare your HVAC system for your absence.
Make sure you mark off this checklist before hitting the road!
1. Thermostat- Turn it down, not off! HVAC units are used to running on a regular basis. It is important it not leave them inactive for long periods of time. Moisture can build up or components can go bad from lack of use. Adjust your thermostat so the unit does not run as often as normal, but often enough to keep it in working order.
2. Close All Blinds & Curtains- Reduce the temperature inside your home by blocking sunlight. This will reduce your unit’s workload.
3. Open All Vents- Keep the air flowing. Make sure all your vents are open.
4. Change Air Filters- In your absence, your HVAC system will not be running as often. Replacing the air filter will protect your unit against dirt and dust while you are gone.
5. Use a Smart Thermostat- Smart thermostats make it easy to pre-program your system to run at certain times or to maintain a certain temperature inside your home. If you do not have a smart thermostat, it might be a good time to invest in one.
Preparing your system for your vacation, will reduce your energy bill and could help you avoid an uncomfortable home and HVAC problems when you return.
If you do come home to a hot or cold home and HVAC issue,
call your local comfort experts at Air Conditioning & Heating Inc.—850.267.3538.
We are available 24/7 for all of your maintenance and repair needs.